

Woodford Diagnostics was formed in 1994 by Robert Keith who has been working within the motor trade from an early age. The company is based in Cavan town, Ireland.

Initially the company's main business was workshop based and carried out diagnostic work on motor vehicles. This also gave a great insight into various pieces of diagnostic kit. As Woodford Diagnostics grew the workshop business was seperated from the diagnostic equipment sales.
The Diagnostic equipment side of the business continues to grow and now includes leading brand names such as Launch, Autocom, Actia, Sherpa Alba, Pico, Sykes-Pickavant, Avl, Capalec etc.

As a direct result of demand Woodford Automotive Training was established. This ensures that training now takes place in conjunction with diagnostic equipment sales.

You can see our range of courses and services in other sections of this new website.

We hope that you will find this new service of benefit to your own business.

An investment in your staff is an investment in your business.

Yours Sincerely

Robert Keith

Practice makes perfect. Improve your skills easily.


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